Monday, March 2, 2009

She's a calf!!!

We had some excitement around here about 3 weeks ago. One of Mr. Dave's cows gave birth unexpectedly. I say that because when he bought them, they were supposed to shall I say it? Untouched. Well much to every ones surprise, out came the calf!!! Dave and Mary let Emma name her and now we are the proud aunt and uncle of Annabelle. This concludes the sad state of affairs in the Ouellette household when livestock are the main focus of the blog. Very sad.

Now for Christmas!!!

During Christmas in Ireland you don't go to the mall to see Santa (there aren't any malls near here) you go to the Ailiwee Caves! The caves are a natural phenomena that draw people mainly during the summer months. Santa utilizes the downtime during autumn to visit with children and give them an early gift. As you can see from the photos there are rides, face painting and free mulled wine for the parents (YUM!). We also included pictures from Christmas morning. Again late as anything but we hope you enjoy them.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Thanksgiving update? Wow am I behind!

We have discovered facebook. Why do I mention that here? Because we have been ignoring the blog as a result. It is suffering from neglect. I therefore will treat you all to the pics from our visitor from last Thanksgiving. It was a nice time and with spring approaching (it is actually here in Ireland but I won't rub it in) we are expecting a new round of visitors as well as Emma's first Communion. March 31st I will have been here one year. I still can't wrap my head around that one. Time is flying! We have done so much since arriving but there is still so much left to do. Anyway enjoy the pictures and feel free to comment (or visit!). More photos on photobucket!!!