Friday, August 29, 2008

Holy Family School

Ian and Emma started back at school on Wednesday, August 27. The school is called Holy Family School and it is in downtown Ennis ( It is split into 2 different schools. The junior school is from pre-school to 1st class. (1st grade) We are part of the senior school which are grades 2-6th class. The school was run by the Nuns for many years. Mrs. Cooney, the principal is the 1st lay principal at the school. There are still a few nuns who help with religious education.

The schools here in Ireland don't believe in getting up early so they start at 9:00 and end at 2:45. The kids must wear a dress uniform or a school track suit. They also have to take hurling (for boys) and camogie (for girls.) This is a sport where you hit a small ball with a really big stick. It is very popular over here. I haven't a clue how it's played. All I know is you are required to wear a helmet which quite honestly, scares me!!

The kids seemed to have settled in quite nicely. Emma made a friend in about 10 seconds and Ian is starting to warm up to some of the boys. They still miss their friends from home, however.


Matt McSorley said...

Hey Ian,

Your school uniform looks like you go to Hogwarts... all you need is the robe and broom. Cool!

Michael McS.

Matt McSorley said...

Hi Emma!

I like that shirt and tie!
Would you like to come back?

Love, Caroline