Sunday, July 20, 2008

The arrival

Greetings all from the Emerald Isle. After much snoozing and adjusting to the time difference, I am finally awake enough to write. Our flight out of Manchester on Tuesday, July 1st, started innocently enough. It was only after the 3rd delay because of bad weather in Newark that we were finally bounced to US Air from Continental. I laughingly joked with the US Air agent that I would be shocked if all 6 pieces of luggage showed up in Ireland. He smirked and mumbled that would not be a problem. I should have known!!! (Only 3 pieces of luggage showed up)
We flew to Philly and got on the plane to Shannon. The kids were fascinated by the tv's on the ceiling until they found out the only tv we could see was broken. I found it amusing that they still tried to sell us the ear phones. Emma was convinced that the plane was going to fly into the sun. Ian read his new Red Sox yearbook for the entire flight. I listened to the passenger in front of us cough loudly the ENTIRE flight. That made for fun sleeping. (snooze, snooze,COUGH!!!!!!) It startled me out of sleep EVERY time. We arrived in Shannon the next day and I found I had lost hearing in one ear. This was not helpful as I had to explain to the Irish US Air agent that most of my luggage was probably in Newark. I could not hear anything she said so I smiled and nodded perpetuating the stereotype of the stupid American tourist.
We were so happy to see Dan. He was thrilled to see us as well. I was happy until he drove on the left side of the road and took us through our first roundabout. Then, not so much. Scary!!!After napping for awhile, Dan took us to a Bunratty Castle for a medieval banquet. I had my first and God willing, last taste of Mead. Mead is an alcoholic drink made with fermented honey.(YUCK!!!!) Apparently, medieval people had no taste. Our entertainment was a man who spoke and sang like he was gargling. The others performers were much better. They entertained us with madrigals, the harp and violin. We drank broth out of a bowl, ate ribs with our fingers, and speared chicken and vegetables with our daggers. The kids thought that was great. The night ended with a beautiful rendition of Danny Boy. Ian was asleep at the table and Emma was fascinated by the princesses singing.
Ireland is as beautiful as people say. Everywhere you look, there are rolling hills and green pastures with cows. Many cows. Alot of cows. I think the cows are plotting to take over the world. They look innocent enough with their big eyes and fat bodies but I think it's an act!!!


Unknown said...

I am so glad to hear that you have all arrived safely. Between all the cows in Ireland and all the Chic-Fil-A commercials here, I think you might be right about the cows taking over!
Love to you all!
p.s. How's the guest suite looking?

Peggy said...

Hello Lori,

The children look very happy, and we loved the pics of them and your new home which is gorgeous. Cannot wait to see it!

The "energy brothers" are not the same and we have been working out arrangements with the McSorleys for an "Energy Brother" reunion in Ireland. How adorable is that?

How are the "roundabouts"? Have you taken to driving yet?

Give us the scoop, and we all miss you more than you know!

Love as always!

Peggy V and Company

Clearlythinking said...


Your house is so darn cute! You did a great job with the blog. I have heard the driving is scary - just don't forget to "look the wrong way" when you cross the street. It looks like you are out in the country, big change from living in Manchester. How far are you from shops, schools, etc.? Can't wait to hear more.


Clearlythinking said...


Your house is so darn cute!! You did a great job with the blog. I have heard that driving over there is scary. Just don't forget to look the "wrong" way when you cross the street. You look like you are out in the country. That's a big change from Manchester. How far away are you from shops, schools, etc.? Can't wait to read more!
